The purpose of the group headed by Shigeyuki Komura (好村 滋行) is to apply the knowledge of bio-soft matter to medical science and health science. Many problems in medicine can be understood phenomenologically, and the approach used in soft matter science has a big potential in medical science. We aim to establish a new academic field called “Biomedical Soft Matter”. More details are explained here.
Several Associate Researcher and Postdoc Positions are available in the Biomedical Soft Matter Group at Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the group headed by Shigeyuki Komura is to apply the knowledge of bio-soft matter to medical science and health science.
Currently, we are working on the theory of amphiphilic soft matter, non-equilibrium soft matter and active matter. Our areas of interest are represented by the publications on our Web page:
We seek motivated researchers who are interested in the theory and simulation of biomedical soft matter. The candidate should have a PhD in bio-soft matter, statistical physics, biophysics or chemical physics.
Conditions of the different positions can be seen at:
Please email: with a CV, list of publications, research statement and names of at least two scientists who can provide a reference letter.
Shigeyuki Komura (好村 滋行)
Wenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325001, China